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Get Your Cannabis Plants (& Choose Your Strain)

  For those growers lucky enough to know other cannabis growers in real life, getting plants is usually pretty simple. Many cannabis collectives and dispensaries will happily sell you clones though they tend to be a little less liberal when it comes to selling seeds. A great advantage of purchasing clones or seeds from a trusted source is that you know you can trust the genetics you are receiving.
  Yet many people do not know any other growers in real life. For these soon-to-be growers, the best option may be to purchase cannabis seeds online from a breeder or seed bank.
  Surprising Fact: No one in the US has ever gone to jail or prison from simply ordering cannabis seeds online from overseas.
  If you are considering this for the first time, you may be surprised to learn that, because of the way the laws about customs work in America, it is actually reliable and safe to buy your cannabis seeds online from a reputable seed bank as long as you get it from outside the US (sending seeds from one place to another in the US can get you in big trouble though!).
  Get Clones – You need to know someone with live female cannabis plants if you want to get clones. Many cannabis dispensaries and collectives will sell clones to prospective growers, or you might know someone who can give you a clone.
  How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds
  If you have already a rooted clone (a live cannabis plant) please skip right to Step 7.
  There are many methods for cannabis seed germination.
  Personally, I think one of the easiest ways to germinate a cannabis seed is to place it directly in a specialized starter cube.
  Just keep the Rapid Rooters moist (but not soaking) and warm. It can help to put your tray on a seedling heat mat. Seedlings should pop in a few days to a week.
  So far Rapid Rooters with a heat mat have given me the best germination rates of any method. They work with any growing medium, too – once the seedling has emerged, you can stick the cube directly into your growing medium or hydroponic system.
  Another popular way to germinate seeds is via the paper towel method.
  Paper Towel Method:
  You will need…
  Cannabis seeds
  2 plates
  Paper towels
  A place to plant sprouted seeds
  NOTE: If seedlings seem to be “stretching” upwards or growing very tall, usually it’s because they want more light.More about:led grow light full spectrum

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